atomictv David Bickerstaff
Artist, filmmaker and creative director of digital media for narrative environments

Artist works

Other projects

'Albert Dies'
Victoria Revealed
Kensington Palace

Kensington Palace
Historic Royal Palaces

Directed and edited by David Bickerstaff
Produced by Newangle
Written by Jerome Vincent
Audio by Asa Bennett

HD video mapped onto the wall of Kensington Palace - 3 mins looped

Historic Royal Palaces commissioned Newangle to produce a video installation that captures the shock and sadness of Albert’s death and the impact it had on Queen Victoria. Using Queen Victoria’s own unique writings, thoughts and memories, a highly emotive script was developed that portrayed Albert's last hours with his beloved Victoria beside him. The presentation used motion graphics, archive photographs, high quality etchings and sound that consisted of the 'voice' of Victoria along with an atmospheric audio. The AV projection centres around the original bust of Prince Albert, filling the wall space and at moments is mapped into mounted frames which replicate existing framed family photographs on the opposing wall. The result is a unique and moving insight into the darkest days of Queen Victoria’s life.

Albert Dies installation Albert Dies installation Albert Dies installation
  Atomictv © David Bickerstaff